Brief notes

  • These days are very long! Starting at 5am PST, continuing through the evening
  • Control theory (like for controlling airplanes), but for exploring gradients! Handling second-order issues like momentum
  • Anna Hoffman: Something beautiful had been ruined forever
  • What are we going to do about Computer Vision?, a panel in Queer in AI
    • Critical work is necessary! And critical work does not need to end on a note of resolution 😅
    • Participation isn’t enough: everyone on all sides can intertwine with oppressive systems
    • Sometimes the best participation is refusal!
      • The Luddites were skilled machinists who were told that they were getting fired and replaced by machines, so they smashed the machines
  • Low-data low-compute is always alluring, obvi
  • StyleGAN with data augmentation has good results on only a thousand images! Especially after finetuning from FFHQ! Collecting 70k faces is challening, but 1k faces is few enough to come from an art museum
  • To read: The Eureka Effect: The Art and Logic of Breakthrough Thinking
  • To explore: TVM
  • Frightening: identifying personal genomes by surname inference