Brief notes
- Holographic crystal storage‽ And rewriteable! And self-supervised learning can help you learn the particular manufacturing artifacts of a camera and a crystal‽
- ML can help target radiotherapy beams, taking a 73 minute process and turning it into 5 minutes
- software that is learned from data is the AI revolution (much like Karpathy’s Software 2.0)
- Federated Learning can be backdoored (“Attack of the tails”)
- I’m unsure about the trust model for the interaction: I trust a company to run arbitrary programs on my device, and send arbitrary ML models to a server, but not the raw data? We’ve been able to extract patterns in raw data from ML models, so,
- Even still, that you can misclassify a Southwest Airlines plane as a truck is Not Good
- Big self-supervised models are strong self-supervised learners
- distillation and self-supervision are popular and useful, and SimCLR(v2) sounds promising
- Unsupervised translation between programming languages
- Saiph Savage: A Future of work for the invisible workers in AI
- 60% of US workers involved in invisible labor (MTurking etc, below the API) in five years?!?!?!?!?!
- web plugins can repurpose labor platforms for good
- twitter bots trying different messaging found direct CTAs the most “effective”
- JAX MD for molecular dynamics
- Worst-Case Analysis for Randomly Collected Data tries to correct for snowball sampling, much more effective than oversampling